Our current course calendar is available for download below
February 2025 course calendar (pdf)
A sample list of the courses that are available are listed below and we also run regular Help sessions
that you can attend without booking. The help session are designed to help you sort small problems
as the time a tutor has to spend with you will depend how busy the session is.
Short List of Courses available. There are lots more.
- Getting started with Windows 11
- Getting more out of your Smart Phone.
- Cards and Calendars
- Trade Me. Selling unwanted items that are cluttering up your house.
- Online Shopping. Order you groceries and have them delivered without leaving your house
- Excel Spread Sheets
- File Manager
- Anything Apple. iPhone, iPads
- WhatsApp, Messenger. Talk to people overseas and send photos at no cost.
- Stocard. Store all your cards on your phone.
- Manage My Health. Communicate with your Health Provider.
- Help Sessions. Come along no booking required.